We'll start with the bit most of you will just want to see. The video.
Fun Colours
After developing the application to its current state with little more than the odd pure red, green or blue line to keep my brain awake, I decided it was time for some bright colors!Technically the real reason behind all this, was to have a simple way of identifying different properties by colour coding the line segments based on specific properties such as how curved they are.
Last year I spent a few weeks writing low level colour manipulation algorithms for mobile phones, so I knew that a HSV to RGB converter would provide me with the ability to transform the parameter to an angle (Hue), and pump out nice rainbow colours.
This diagram is a good representation of HSV colour space:
(H: Hue, S: Saturation, V: Value )
I found a simple HSV -> RGB conversion function online, which was using floating point numbers. Again, after my work on mobiles last year I have accustomed to avoiding floats where possible, so I rewrote the function with bit shifted fixed point numbers to save some processing speed.
The result was lovely, but in the end I decided just to use the colours for the input stroke, with the colours cycling based on the input point ID.
Slider Bars
Developing on a really low-level platform like the DS means you are constantly having to write your own little classes to do the most basic of tasks.Think of a button for example. You would think it'd be pretty straight forward, right? No.
Anyway, as annoying as a solid button system was to implement, a slider bar was all the more frustrating (actually, that's a lie, I quite enjoyed building it!). The toggle buttons simply link to a Boolean value which is altered as they are pressed, reflecting the current state of the button (toggled = true, and untoggled = false).
I started with my screen object class which had a "Touched" and "Released" inherited functions which were passing in a bool of whether the stylus was inside them or not. This was fine for the buttons, but when you want a slider which needs to know where abouts within the itself the stylus is, more information is required. This meant rewriting the function from the top, with the stylus co-ords being passed in, and the root object calculating and passing down whether it was inside or not.
This worked well and the rest quickly fell into place, and I added a linked a linked variable with min and max values acting as the effected value.
I was using my first slider as a multiplier for the calculation of the Beziér control points (see the next chunk of text), but these were generated when the sketch was processed (only once at the end of the stroke input). To rebuild them I had to press the "A button" which ran a little function that reprocessed the stroke.
Unfortunately whenever the slider was adjusted I had to rebuild the stroke manually. This is when I decided to get my head around function pointers.
They turned out to be surprisingly straight-forward and I quickly added a function pointer to the slider that would run whichever function you specify whenever the slider value was altered. I was really impressed with the result, and it makes the application much more interesting to use. :)
Beziér Curves
The final stage of the Stroke Approximation technique is to identify the curved areas of the stroke and represent them with Beziér curves. To identify the curved areas, a ratio is calculated for each line segment of the final hybrid fit polyline. l2:l1.l2 is the distance along the original stroke from one point on the polyline to the next, and l1 is the distance directly between the two points.
Curved areas will obviously have a higher ratio than the more accurately represented straighter segments. The identified curved segments can then be removed from the polyline and represented with Beziér curves.
Beziér curves are a represented by a start point, an end point and a number of control points. The more control points a curve has, the more complex it becomes. The number of control points denotes the "order" of the curve, representing its mathematical complexity. A cubic curve (as seen below) has two control points.
Generating the Beziér curves to represent the curved ares of the sketch is a matter of finding an empirical value that best fits the user's drawing style. This is the multiplier that the slider adjusts.
To render a bezier curve it is best to represent it as a polyline when you have limited rendering capabilities available. This means we need to work out several points along the curve and use them as the polyline representation of the Beziér representation of the polyline representation of the original stroke! This is starting to get crazy!
Basically you need to boil down the of the curve by calculating sub curves using the control points, until a curve with 1 control point remains. this will give you the coordinate required at a chosen percentage along the original curve.
I won't go into the maths too deep at this point as I doubt anyone will even read this far, but there are some really interesting overlaps with Fibonacci series here which I may look into more at a later point!
If you want to have a play with an insane Java Applet of a cubic Beziér curve, I recommend checking out this site.
This image was just too cool to leave out. :)
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